Regression Testing

The purpose of Regression Testing is to ensure that software changes have not introduced any new bugs in related modules of your application.

Regression Testing seeks to uncover any software bugs in the existing modules of an application. It is carried out after changes such as enhancements, patches or configuration changes have been made in a related module of the software.

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Regression Testing tests an application efficiently by systematically selecting the appropriate minimum set of tests, instead of re-running previously completed full tests. This saves you both time and money.

Regression testing is an aspect of testing which the TestTech Labs team really excels in. It involves conducting practical scenarios and checking boundary cases that matter in real-time, which are usually overlooked by many others. Cases are constructed to understand the game, its mechanics and design, and then the actual game logic source code is reviewed, rather than taking a one-rule-fits-all approach. These tests can be carried out either manually or using automated tools.

The staff at TestTech Labs have found critical issues through Regression Testing, which otherwise could have created havoc if the issue had remained undetected when the platform went live.

Some recent (real) examples are:

1). During an interruption at a particular stage, the game results were not available in the logs. However, upon inspection through Regression Testing, the results were reflected in the balance.

2). In one of the metamorphic games we conducted Regression Testing on for our clients, the metamorphic state was not saved appropriately to be recovered upon resuming.

3). In a recent game of one of our clients, the wins from a gamble were not added if the interruption was performed at a particular stage of the game.

4). An interruption occurred in the last game of a free game, meaning the last win was not added to the balance.

5). Autoplay-triggered features in a game behaved differently (and incorrectly) compared to the manually-triggered features. This was a very practical case to construct, based on the source review of the autoplay implementation. This issue, in our opinion, was a very critical issue which is not usually picked up through common routine tests. It was only through careful source review and basing tests on the same, that it was discovered and subsequently fixed.

As you can see from the above examples, independent Regression Testing is not something to be overlooked in your testing process. Skipping it can lead to critical errors being missed, which then of course lead to unhappy customers and a damaged brand.

The experienced and friendly team at TestTech Labs can carry out this process for you as an independent, third party test house. Our experience with a variety of platforms (especially within the online gaming industry and social games), positions us as a trustworthy and reputable service provider.

If you have recently carried out enhancements, configurations, or any type of changes on your game or app, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at TestTech Labs here for fast and reliable Regression Testing.