Device Health

Device Health Testing is vital to the overall functioning of the device while the application is either running or idle. We run several different tests during this stage to determine whether every “normal” function of the device, from the most minute and obscure to the most basic, is able to complete its purpose while the application is in either a working or an idle state.

Some of these tests include: application stability, event handling, memory usage and error handling.

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User/Device Interaction Testing

During User/Device Interaction Testing, we ensure that your application doesn’t negatively affect or interfere with any other application or function on the device.

The three main areas of this testing include:

– Multiple Applications
– Messages and Calls
– Help and About

Multiple Device Compatibility

Multiple Device Compatibility Testing determines whether your application correctly fits and functions on different screen sizes and operating systems. We have the necessary testing methods and devices to ensure most types of devices (of different sizes) are covered, leaving you completely assured that your application will be well received by all intended audiences.

User/Device Interaction Testing

The Interface testing stage of our process encompasses several different tests. Each of these ensure that depending on the environment or devices, your application will be able to adjust and function as intended, without any delays, miscommunication, or hiccups.

The main areas of the Interface testing stage are:

– Screen Displays
– User Interface
– Input/ Output
– International Date and Time